Thursday, April 24, 2014

C4T #4

For C4T #4, I was assigned to comment on Karl Fisch's blog, The Fisch Bowl.

Comment 1

TCAP TimeThe first blog post I commented on was titled "Inertia, Obedience, and Faith". This post was Fisch's response to giving the TCAP (Transitional Colorado Assessment Program), which he doesn't like. He doesn't feel that this will help students in any way. Instead mof taking time out of teaching to give the test, Mr. Fisch feels that students would benedfit more from more learning in the classroom from teachers and peers. I responded by agreeing with Mr. Fisch's post. I told him that state tests may seem helpful, but they also take time away from teachers that they could be using in the classroom.

Books piled up with an apple on topComment 2

The second blog post I commented on is titled "Burden of Proof: A Textbook Example". In this post, Fisch discusses the transition his school is making in the math department. Although it is moving more toward Common Core, Fisch does not necessarily agree with it. He feels that the School Board should ultimately seek advice from the teachers. I responded by agreeing that the chosen curricula aren't always the best. As a future teacher, it seems to me that the teachers would know what is best for the students.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

C4K Summary for April

April Summary

C4K #8
This C4K was on Christian's blog who is in Ms. Squires' class. Christian posted about how he has been doing a lot of blog commenting. He also said that when they have free time, they are aloud to take pictures with the web cam, and that there is so much they can do on their net book, even math work. I responded by saying that it sounds like he enjoys using his net book, and that it is really cool that they get to take photos with the webcam. I ended by telling him that I hope he continues to enjoy using his net book.

C4K #9
The next C4K was on Cameo's blog. He is in Ms. Ouano's class. Cameo posted her math sheet. It had four questions on addition and subtraction. She got them all right. I commented and said that it looked like she did really well on her math because all of her answers are right. I then told her that I also enjoyed math and to keep up the god work.

C4K #10
The last C4K I was assiged was on Germaine's blog. Germaine is in Miss Lavakula's class. In his blog post, Germaine created a video about the life cycle of a butterfly. He drew pictures to show the stages of the life cycle and then told about it while the video was going. I told him he did a great job. I asked if he drew the pictures in the video and told him it was really nice and colorful.
Kid blogger

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blog Post #13

What are some educational sites or apps that you have found and think might be useful in your future classroom? How would you use them and why do you think they would be useful?

The first website I found is Fun Brain. Fun Brain is an interactive site for kids to play games while at the same time they are learning. I think this is important for kids. There are games for science, math, music, social studies, and the list goes on. Students can have fun while learning, too.
funbrain game site logo

Fun in Room 4B Blog LogoAnother useful site that I found is called Fun in Room 4B. I think this would be useful for teachers first starting out that need some ideas, or teachers that want to try something new. There are all kinds of fun things and good ideas found here.

Class DojoAn app that I have heard about, but not yet tried is Class Dojo. Class Dojo is an app use to help manage class behavior.It can be used on a computer, on the Smart board, or on an iPad. With this app, teachers can keep track of how their students behave by rewarding them points, or even taking them away. It can also be used to get the students involved. They can be in charge of their points by going up to the Smart board and adding their points or taking them away. This way the teacher doesn't have to do it and the kids can see their progress. Not only does it help students and teachers, but it can also be used to keep the parents informed of how their students are doing in the classroom. Teachers can collect data reports to show parents along with administrators, also.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Blog Post #12

This week's blog post is about assistive technology. Nowadays it seems as if it is much easier to find things to use for students with disabilities and are having trouble learning. One of the things that I found was most useful was probably the iPad. The iPad allows the blind to use it when the "assistive touch" is turned on. A blind person is able to use the iPad by scrolling through the apps, which are read to them. To open one, they simply double tap anywhere once that app has been selected. The iPad can also read books to them. This is a great way for students to use technology and to be able to function in the classroom.
Student using ipad
There are many apps out there that can help with impairments. One of them is Dragon Dictation which allows a student to tell the app what to write in order to complete schoolwork that may require writing. Another app that aids students in learning is Learning Ally. This is a program specifically for dyslexic kids. Franklin Electronic Dictionary or ClaroRead are also tools the could aid in the education of dyslexic students.
Dragon Dictation App Logo
So what is there for students who have a hearing impairment? One of the apps that I found was BuzzCards. BuzzCards allow a someone who has a hearing impairment to communicate with others.
Other tools that could be useful for those who are challenged are large font keyboards, adjustible monitors, and track balls or joy sticks instead of the regular mouse attached to the computer.
Some of the sites that I found this information on are: Assistive Technology For Education, The Innovative Educator, and the National Center For Learning Disabilites.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blog Post #11

In Brian Crosby’s video, Back to the Future, Crosby discusses the technology they use in class, how they use it, and the impact it leaves on their education.Crosby’s students each have their own computers to us, with which they use for blogging, creating wikis, and posting pictures on the class flikr account.One project that the students did was called “My High Hopes.”In this project, students wrote down what their high hopes were in their lifetime. They sent up a balloon with a camera and their high hopes attached. This way they could see the view from the balloon. The students then wrote a story as if they were the balloon. The first half was written before the balloon was sent up, then finished after the the balloon was sent up.I think we can learn that students can learn through projects like this. It seems like students are just having fun, but at the same time they are learning, too.

Paul Anderson discusses the Blended Learning Cycle in his video. In blended learning, learning in the classroom, online, and mobile is combined, while the learning cycle involves an engaging question, exploration, explanation, expansion, and finally evaluation. Anderson uses the acronym “QUIVERS” for his blended learning cycle, which stands for question, investigation, video, elaboration, review, and summary quiz. It is important to start with a good question to get students interested in what they are going to be doing. Next you investigate. In investigating, students can experiment. Next is video. With a video, students can watch this on their own, leaving the instructor time to work with other students. Then there is elaboration which is going further into the subject. Students can be assigned further reading material to learn more about the subject. Next is review in which Mr. Anderson meets with students and asks them questions to make sure they understand the subject are. Last, students are given a summary quiz that tests them on the things they have learned in the previous steps. I think Anderson has a good system for his students. I think it incorporates all the different styles of learning. It starts off with a good question to get students engaged, but it also incorporates experimentation for students that are more hands on and reading for those kinds of learners. Not only are there these things but there is a video for visual/auditory learners.
Blended Learning Cycle

Mark Church discusses a great way to make kids think, in Making Thinking Visible. The students watched a video the previous day on early human beginnings. He asked the to come up with a headline that would capture what they thought it's about. The students were asked to write their headline on a long sheet of paper. They then hung them up on the bulletin board. After a few weeks of the class going over human beginnings in more detail, they would then see if their headline would be the same. The idea is that when you make thinking visible then the students will learn more.

Making Thinking Visible is a great way to show the students how their thinking evolves. Students can view how they thought at the beginning of the lesson and then what they think at the end of the lesson. When students first hear about a topic, they form an opinion before they are knowledgable. After the students learn about the topic, their opinion will most likely change. This teaches students how to think more in depth before forming an opinion.                                                                                                                     Making thinking visible makes learning inevitable.

In the video Super Digital Citizen, Sam Pane was teaching his fifth grade class about digital safety as well as being a good digital citizen. Sam Pane quoted Spiderman "With great power, comes great responsibility." He had his students talk in their groups about what power the internet gives people. After the class discussed the powers of the internet and what a digital citizen was, Sam introduced the assignment of creating a digital citizen superhero and a comic strip showing proper internet safety and incorporating real images of themselves. Sam took about five minutes to show the students how to create their digital superhero. The students then created a digital citizen superhero and their comic strips. Once all the student created their comic strip, the students then did gallery walks. Gallery walks are when the students view and critique their peers work.

Educators can learn a lot from Sam Pane. He incorporates superhero quotes into his lecture to get his students engaged. The quote he uses "With great power, comes great responsibility" makes the students think about the power of the internet and responsibility they must use on the internet. The internet is a powerful tool we can use to learn about anything. Students need to know how to use the internet safely. Creating a comic strip that has self images makes the lesson personal for the students. In the comic strips, the students can come up with unsafe situations and have their digital superhero save them. They are learning through their creativity, without even realizing their learning. The comic strip also helps the students practice writing stories. The fact that he calls the peer review a gallery walk also gives his students a sense of accomplishment. They consider themselves an artist. The students also learn from performing a gallery walk. The students learn by reading their peers comic. They get new ideas as well as reinforcing the idea of using internet safety.

When your using the internet make sure you are being responsible.
Project Based Learning

This video is about three teachers that worked together to combine three subjects and make serious changes to the structure of the classroom in order to, provide a improved learning experience for their students. The teachers expressed in the video that they were faced with some major roadblocks while attempting to make this change. After attempting they soon realized they would have to get their administrates involved to help restructure the class times to make the plan work.

After restructuring their classroom they took entire morning to teach English, history and information processing the three teachers worked together and used project based learning to teach students beyond just the curriculum. The teachers in the video talked about how this gave them the opportunity to teach the students not just about the facts but about, being a good citizen and poverty. The teachers could take time with the students to critique their work and revise this allowed more time for feedback and better quality work.

Roosevelt PBL  

This video was basically just a break down of "Project Based Learning" and how this school was using it in their classrooms. The video explained how PBL was a "more in depth learning, based on real world instructions and research based". One of the teachers said something like " the students can really show they understand and not that they just kind of get but they passed the test".

The teachers in this video encouraged students to be involved in public speaking at a young age so that it wouldn't be such a struggle when they got older. The other key points made throughout the video about PBL were about student choice, giving students a sense of power and teaching them to be able t work in a group and communicate with each other.