Thursday, March 13, 2014

Blog Post #8

While searching the internet for useful resources for students to use, I found quite a few. I didn't realize there were so many sites that teachers and students could use in the classroom, until now.

The first site I found is called Diigo. Diigo is an online tool that is great for students and teachers. Teachers can share things with their students on Diigo, along with them sharing things with others. Not only is Diigo a sharing site, but it is a site where students can do research. This would be good for students doing research for a project or a paper. It allows students to bookmark important information that they have found, but not only that, if there is something specific within this information, it allows students to highlight that information. This can also be organized easily by subject by simply adding tags to the pages that were saved.

Another useful site I found is Glogster . I think Glogster would be a great site for students to use for an online poster of some sort. Say is a student was doing a project about a certain country, the student could use pictures to make a poster on Glogster, but not only that, students can also include videos, sounds, animation, or even just their own notes. With this, students are able to create their own project on the internet. There is no paper, pens, or markers needed.


  1. Diigo is new to me. These sites multiply like rabbits.

    Interesting. Well written.

  2. Oops…I have a Diigo account. I didn't realize that because i never use it. I use Delicious, which is very similar, instead.
