Sunday, February 2, 2014

Blog Post #3

While watching these videos,Peer Editing, Writing Peer Review, and the slide show Tutorial Peer Editing, the point that stuck out to me is to always stay positive when peer reviewing. As said in the first video, it is important to compliment. No one wants someone to tell them that their writing is bad, leading them to feel bad about themselves. After complimenting someone, one can make some suggestions about what the other wrote. Some things to think about when peer editing are word choice, topic, details, and so on. It is good to look at these things in order to help a peer to improve their writing, but the key idea is to always stay positive.

The video, Writing Peer Review, specifically points out that there are so many different ways in which others peer review. While some may think their way is the best way, it is not necessarily so. There are some who are loud, others who dont care, and the list can just go on. As someone who will be "peer reviewed", I don't want someone being particular about what I said or to make me feel embarrassed by something that I may have said wrong, I want to feel like I did everything right, but just had a few things to fix. I think by following the steps in the first video and the slideshow above, there should be no reason anyone would feel that way.

Peer Editing "TAG"


  1. Hey Alyx! I agree with your opinion on the theme of the videos that we were assigned to watch. Staying positive when critiquing is very important. Not just with peer editing, but with anything you may critique someone on. In a job setting it is important also. Training a new employee or intern is a part of having a job.Staying positive with that process is very similar to peer editing.
