Friday, February 28, 2014

C4K Summary for February

C4K #1
My first C4K was on Jack's blog. Jack is a student in Mrs. Toal's class and lives in Dublin, Ireland. Jack wrote about how his friend Sean stayed with him and the things they did. It sounded like they had a lot of fun, so I commented on his post and told him I used to stay with my friends a lot when I was younger and how we also had a lot of fun.

C4K #2
For my second C4K, I wrote on Lexiss' blog. She had an "About You" survey on he blog to find out what the people who visited her blog were like. SOme of the questions she had on there were "What is your favorite color?", "Do you still drive your mom's car?", and "Are you still in school?". I commented and told her I thought it was cool that she had a survey on her blog and it will be really neat to see what different people like.

C4K #3
The third blog I commented on this month was Jordan's. He is in Ms. Ruiz's high school English class and they are reading the book Of Mice and Men right now. In Jordan's post, he said that he thought the title of chapter 2 should be called "Brothers" because there are two brothers in this chapter that "always look out for each other". He also said that he thought the title of the book should be called "Life of Two Brother". I commented and told him that I liked his titles and that I think he explained what happened pretty well.

C4K #4
The final blog I commented on was Dan's blog who is a tenth grader in Mrs. Long's class. His blog post was titled "Is There Really a 'Best' Brand?". He discussed how there are different brands of dirt bike, but people like a certain brand and then shoot down all the other brands, saying that the brand that they own is the best. I responded and said that i agreed with what he said and that a lot of people are like that, especially when it comes to vehicles.

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